What began as an idea, sparked by the childrens’ arrival home from school over 15 years ago, has now grown into a multi-national successful business. Mackman client, The Sticker Factory, with offices on Walnut Tree Lane in the market town of Sudbury, specialises in the design and selling of motivation products for both the national primary and secondary education sectors, as well as the health service. This unique and ambitious business has its roots firmly planted in Sudbury, as the historic town has been the backdrop for this family’s incredible journey.
Vanessa Laws, founder of The Sticker Factory, was working as a freelance graphic designer during the mid-1990s and recalls her three children coming home with their arms filled with certificates, stamps and stickers, rewarding their hard work for the term. ‘I was delighted they were all doing well,’ recalls Vanessa, ‘but the designs caught my eye – as I didn’t like them much!’ It was then Vanessa decided to have a go at designing her own reward and motivational stickers. ‘I was teaching myself to design on a computer at the time anyway, and with very small children, I was naturally focussed on child-centred work.’ The Sticker Factory was established as a company in 1997.
After a few testing start-up years, the Sudbury business found its footing, and began to grow, with more and more products being added to the company’s portfolio, every year. ‘We have been extremely lucky to have just about the best location in the world to work – overlooking Sudbury’s water meadows, from the converted Granary,’ says Vanessa. It’s from this renovated period building that The Sticker Factory ships its uniquely designed products to schools and hospitals all over the country, and across the globe. The company takes pride in its array of innovative products, especially as they’re printed on ethically sourced materials, and is dedicated to providing customers with the best service possible.
Over the years, The Sticker Factory has evolved into a business with a family ethos at its centre. ‘Most of our staff have been with us since very early on’ says Vanessa, ‘and we have always felt like a family in the way we operate.’ Vanessa’s husband Steven, was working as a secondary school teacher during the business’ early years and has since left teaching and joined the company full time.
Their daughter Ruth, also started working at The Sticker Factory towards the end of 2011, launching the company’s digital marketing department. As the Digital Marketing Manager, Ruth oversees the online presence of the company, utilising digital communication platforms to engage with customers and other industry influencers. Having watched the company grow throughout her childhood, her understanding of the brand and what it stands for makes this new role something very special. ‘I remember when The Sticker Factory was just a couple of shelves in our conservatory,’ recalls Ruth, a recent History of Art graduate from the University of York, ‘As I’ve grown up and got older and bigger, so has The Sticker Factory, and it’s been wonderful to see it develop into the award-winning business it is today.’ By investing in a Digital Marketing Manager, The Sticker Factory will continue to grow, from its strong base in Sudbury. ‘I’m always very proud to tell people that I work with my family,’ says Ruth, ‘It’s great to be a part of the growth and future of The Sticker Factory.’
For more information on The Sticker Factory’s portfolio of products call 0800 055 6121, or visit www.thestickerfactory.co.uk.