Women’s Empowerment Sri Lanka Fundraiser

Mackman Fundraising

Women’s Empowerment Sri Lanka

Women Empowerment | Mackman Branding and Marketing Agency

As you may have seen in the news recently, the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka is going from bad to worse. UNICEF has said that Sri Lanka is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis, where malnutrition is a major concern and hospitals are becoming completely dependent on donations.

  • The price of everyday goods has risen sharply. Inflation is running at more than 50%.
  • Hospitals are running out of medicines. The health system is on the verge of collapse.
  • The country doesn’t have enough fuel for essential services like buses, trains and medical vehicles.
  • There have been widespread power cuts.

Source: BBC News

Mackman Group is aiming to raise £1,000 for Women’s Empowerment Sri Lanka, which will help roughly 100 families in Sri Lanka’s often forgotten tea-plucking communities.

Women’s Empowerment Sri Lanka was initially founded to support female-headed households with their businesses and/or educational pursuits. The charity now raises funds to provide families with basic dry rations, and we are joining them in raising these vital funds.

If you would like to support our fundraising efforts, we have set up a JustGiving page, where all proceeds will go to Women’s Empowerment Sri Lanka. A £10 donation provides a family with a dry ration pack which includes 5kg of rice, 5kg of flour, 1kg of cowpea, coconut oil and other food essentials (food may vary depending on availability).