Connect with Customers Using Insight this Spring
Read more: Connect with Customers Using Insight this SpringAfter a prolonged period in which customers and clients have not been able to interact with businesses in the way that they used to. Therefore, re-establishing that connection through considered and targeted marketing is essential. The best starting point is with insight. We have picked out some of the most beneficial ways you can start…
New Mackman Research project on behalf of Essex County Council begins
Read more: New Mackman Research project on behalf of Essex County Council beginsWe are delighted that our sister company Mackman Research has the opportunity to collaborate with Essex County Council on a research project that will inform their support for Essex businesses. To help the Council to establish a programme of support for businesses, Mackman Research has crafted a comprehensive questionnaire to aid the Council’s understanding of…
Marketing and Branding – What is the Difference?
Read more: Marketing and Branding – What is the Difference?The relationship between marketing and branding is not as complex as some may think. In fact, the two work hand in hand, and one without the other can leave you without a clear strategy. Understanding how marketing and branding differ can better position you to: Firstly, what is marketing? The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)…