Every business on the web wants to be number one in Google and we are often led to believe that you need some masters degree or acute level of alchemy to achieve this.
The truth is that SEO of past was misunderstood and the novice user could be swayed by the emails that claimed to get them to the top of the search engines. These days the process is becoming more transparent and the search results are benefiting.
In autumn, Google rolled out the Hummingbird algorithm which has affected almost all users of the Internet. This is huge in SEO land but what is a Hummingbird and should you care? We ask Adam our Technical Developer…
Think back to your Google habits. What do you search for? Do you load your searches with keywords hoping for better search results?
I’m certainly guilty of it. I might be searching for technical things like _”ruby json array”_ and eventually getting to the StackOverflow article I was after. But Hummingbird changes this, enabling you to perform more verbose searches that are human by nature, so my search is now _”how do I return a json array in ruby”_
As an end user it will make using search engines a lot easier and more manageable.
Sitting on the other side of the fence, how does it effect the website owners and content authors?
When creating pages and page content we were always told to base it around keywords. Select the keywords you want and then ensure they are listed within certain areas of the page. Whilst this technique is still valid, the main recommendation is for topics over keywords. Providing this level of keyword abstraction allows for pages to rank well on a topic regardless if the content is optimised for it or not.
At Mackman we aim to provide all pages with meaningful content and ensure that at every step of development it is built to perform. From html5 markup in the technical department and responsive designs from our design studio, right through to clear thoughtful copy from the communications team, each page is crafted with one thing in mind, getting the right content through to the visitor.
If you have any questions about search marketing, get in touch through customerservice@mackmangroup.co.uk.