
As we’ve talked about previously, behaviour is a big part of any website design. Cards offer the user a quick pin board aesthetic allowing the user to glimpse at a snapshot of the content in the page. Whether the visitor is time precious or just wants to browse, cards offer a playful yet immediate browser experience.

Say Cheese

We’ve noticed a huge increase in visitors’ navigation to staff pages in our clients pages. As we spend more time online be it shopping of searching for a service are we losing the human presence in the experience. We believe customers like to see who they shopping/working with.

Reinvention ‘v’ Refinement

Many clients are moving from the classic branding overhaul to the more elegant brand refinement. I’m not saying reinvention is a bad thing; it just may not suit everyone. With visual signs of us crawling out of the difficult times, 2014 could be the time to look at reinforcing the image you already have with a neater, tidier brand refresh. Typically we look at all the good things your brand projects and support these with new revitalised designs that compliment your business.

The Brand Toolkit

Again, not necessarily a trend. We believe that your identity belongs to you. With the design of a new or refreshed brand, a brand toolkit is a must, it establishes the boundaries of your identity. Branding is not just about your logo. By creating a successful toolkit you are protected from the office junior or over-ambitious team member deciding to plaster your branding with the wrong colours, choice of imagery or typeface. We are very proud of the work we do for our clients we want them to be proud of their brand too.

Can you design me an advert please?

One advert in the local paper may help you in the short term but for longevity, we approach ads as a campaign. This allows us to measure and increase the return on investment for our clients. 2014 is about being smart with your marketing and not just designing a pretty advert.

Every time comic sans is used a bunny dies!

Not a trend as much, merely a reminder that there’s a lot more to life than the following:

Comic Sans