News and Views from Mackman

  • Websites refreshed and relaunched

    Mackman is blossoming on the web, in line with the fresh spring season, and we’re delighted to announce the relaunch and design refresh of three sites for existing web clients this month. Click on the Crown Inn, and KSL Sudbury to see what we’ve been up to. Bruce Burgoyne, Graphic and Web Designer, explains the importance…

    Read more: Websites refreshed and relaunched
  • New clients: Suffolk Befriending Scheme

    The Mackman Group is delighted to announce the beginning of a new working relationship with the Suffolk Befriending Scheme (SBS) – a charity which supports people with learning disabilities and their families. We will be undertaking a broad range of marketing work for the charity, including refreshing the charity’s branding, building a new website and…

    Read more: New clients: Suffolk Befriending Scheme
  • Mackman Research work wins top prize

    The annual Government Business Awards, which encourage and reward effective business practises in the public sector across the country, yesterday presented Mackman Research clients, Chelmsford Borough Council, with the top prize for Market Research.  The award was won in recognition of the Council’s Parks Audit which was carried out by Mackman Research in 2009. The…

    Read more: Mackman Research work wins top prize
  • Hire your own secret shoppers here!

    Women’s glossies, weekend supplements, internet chat and social networks are currently a-buzz about the (not so) Secret Shopper, Mary Portas, and her exploits amongst some of Britain’s best known high-street retail outlets. Thousands of Channel 4 viewers have been  following the retail guru and joining her campaign to drastically change the average shopping trip by…

    Read more: Hire your own secret shoppers here!
  • Welcome to Luke: Mackman’s new Studio Technician

    Mackman started the New Year by welcoming one extra permanent staff member on board. Luke Roberts joins us as Studio Technician, playing a vital role supporting our web services and maintaining and improving our internal network systems. This means improved support for customers and enhanced response times. Luke will also be working with our studio…

    Read more: Welcome to Luke: Mackman’s new Studio Technician
  • Mackman all of a flutter this Christmas

    Mackman’s butterflies and feathers tree looks stunning at the Sudbury Christmas Tree Festival 2010 Mackman’s butterflies and feathers tree looks stunning at the Sudbury Christmas Tree Festival 2010 Mackman Group is one of dozens of organisations to sponsor and decorate a Christmas tree at Sudbury’s popular Christmas Tree Festival in St Peter’s church this year.…

    Read more: Mackman all of a flutter this Christmas
  • Adding a NextGen slideshow to your WordPress template

    After searching the web for quite some time I couldn’t find any simple plugins to add a NextGen slide show to our WordPress site’s template easily! In order to achieve this I’ve added a few simple steps: Create your banner placeholder in the header.php or template of your choice. Make a note of the height you want…

    Read more: Adding a NextGen slideshow to your WordPress template
  • Colchester Business Awards Success

    And the winner is … Last night over 600 businesses gathered for the prestigious 2010 Colchester District Business Awards at Charter Hall.  The Mackman Group attended along with a very healthy spread of clients, all short-listed for a variety of awards.  Everyone had a great night and some also went home with a coveted award.…

    Read more: Colchester Business Awards Success
  • 1 million hits – and growing!

    1 million hits – and growing!

    Colchester valuers and auctioneers, Reeman Dansie, are this week celebrating 1 million hits since their Mackman Group created site went live earlier this year. Traffic on the site continues to grow month by month, with an incredible 100,000 hits just this week. Launched in February, Reeman Dansie’s website substantially outperforms other websites in its sector…

    Read more: 1 million hits – and growing!
  • Marketing Award Finalists – Reeman Dansie

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S   to our clients, Reeman Dansie, who have been selected as finalists in the ‘Excellence in Marketing’ category of the Colchester District Business Awards 2010. We’ve got our fingers crossed for you! As one of East Anglia’s most respected and…

    Read more: Marketing Award Finalists – Reeman Dansie