Category: Digital Marketing

  • The adventures of Databoy…

    My name is Jim, and I feel like I have a lot in common with a young man named Dick Grayson. Allow me to explain. I may look like an average male in his mid-20’s, working as a Communications Officer at a marketing agency, but I have a secret identity…I…am Databoy! Databoy?! I know it…

    Read more: The adventures of Databoy…
  • Twitter & Pinterest Analytics Set to Help Social Marketers

    Twitter rolled out its new analytics platform this week, allowing businesses to make better use of their Twitter accounts. This came just days after the news that Pinterest too has opened up its analytical offerings to help businesses get the best out of social media. This data can feed into your content strategy, ensuring quality…

    Read more: Twitter & Pinterest Analytics Set to Help Social Marketers
  • Google Authorship No More

    Google Authorship, introduced in 2011, was intended to link content to the people that created it, by using code to create a rich snippet that displayed a byline and photo of the author. Heavily connected to Google+, this would result in higher search rankings for those authors who had written a larger quantity of more…

    Read more: Google Authorship No More
  • Google Panda 4.0 Now Underway

    On the 21st May, Matt Cutts, the head of search spam at Google, announced the Panda 4.0 update was now underway. Within a short time, news from the search engine was shared over 3000 times on Twitter and search marketers were looking to their analytics tools to see what impact it would have. But, what’s…

    Read more: Google Panda 4.0 Now Underway
  • SEO truths

    Every business on the web wants to be number one in Google and we are often led to believe that you need some masters degree or acute level of alchemy to achieve this. The truth is that SEO of past was misunderstood and the novice user could be swayed by the emails that claimed to…

    Read more: SEO truths
  • Google’s Hummingbird Update: What you need to know

    On the 27th September, Google confirmed it rolled out a new algorithm, called Hummingbird, just over a month ago. This development is significant as it involves the technology Google uses to look at all the information is has access to and return relevant search results. Hummingbird, named because of its ability to be precise and…

    Read more: Google’s Hummingbird Update: What you need to know
  • SEO and Content Marketing Bootcamp

    The East of England Chartered Institute of Marketing have organised another cracking SEO and Content Marketing event for September.  The full-day programme offers insights into search engine optimisation SEO including Penguin 2.0 and digital copywriting.  It takes place on 13th September 2013, 10:00, Hatfield AL10 9EU.  Delegates from Mackman will be in attendance as part…

    Read more: SEO and Content Marketing Bootcamp
  • Google algorithm – impact on PR and digital marketing?

    Chris Norton, Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) blogger and PR professional, shared his vision this week on how the latest Google update will impact how PR and digital marketing teams work. With Google Panda and Penguin sweeping the SEO headlines of late, Chris has shed some light on the positive, albeit challenging, opportunities these…

    Read more: Google algorithm – impact on PR and digital marketing?
  • How to increase traffic to your website

    How to increase traffic to your website

    Before prospective customers can convert, they need to be able to find your website. With so many potential options online, it can be overwhelming to narrow down all the tips and tricks available to help you drive customers to your website. Here are some of our top tips to help you increase website traffic. Optimise your site…

    Read more: How to increase traffic to your website
  • Google Chairman reveals future of rankings

    This week the Wall Street Journal included a piece about the Executive Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt. Schmidt has written a book, due to be launched in April 2013, entitled “The New Digital Age”. As well as discussing China and its involvement with internet censorship he touches on some other interesting subjects such as the…

    Read more: Google Chairman reveals future of rankings